Calculated Hit on Paul Ryan or Misstep by Kevin Nicholson?

Interesting article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this morning accompanied by a tape recording of Republican US Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson seemingly agreeing with two unidentified men at a campaign event that Paul Ryan has a “light footprint in the state” and that Ryan’s lukewarm endorsement of President Trump “is a problem.” I can’t help…

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The Wheelercast: Episode #20

Gwyn talks with Rep. Adam Neylon about his committee’s efforts regarding noncompete contracts. She also takes a look at upcoming school spending referenda, the Capitol gala and more on the latest episode of The Wheelercast.

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The Wheelercast: Episode #19

Gwyn is in Iowa, and no, she is not being held by terrorists. However, in this week’s episode we do discuss the state of legislative relations, as well as a new Catfishing bill. We also look at the productivity stats for this legislative session so far.

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The Wheelercast: Episode #16

A new DNR secretary faces not only confirmation hearings, but a full plate of issues and pending legislative initiatives that could impact his agency. Gwyn and Brian discuss this, the fall session and the obnoxious new Blue Books on this episode of The Wheelercast.

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The Wheelercast: Episode #15

The Foxconn incentive package and the Wisconsin state budget are both now law. What changes did the Governor’s veto pen bring, and what’s on tap for the Fall legislative session? The Wheeler Report’s Gwyn Guenther has the details.

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