Brian Fraley

Scaramucci Takes Paternity Leave

I joined Steve Scaffidi and Eric Bilstad on WTMJ AM620 in Milwaukee for an impromptu segment mere moments after White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was fired this afternoon. Political Staffing 101: If as a staffer you become the story, you are failing your boss. Click on the audio file below to hear it.

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The Wheelercast 7/31/2017

The largest economic development deal in Wisconsin state government history has been negotiated, and Gwyn has details regarding the substance of and timeline for legislative action on the Foxconn deal. Things are moving quickly. How quickly, and how could this impact the State Budget impasse? This news and more on the latest episode of The…

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The Wheelercast 7/17/2017

Tuesday could see a huge development in the State Budget drama. Wisconsin lawmakers are also working on an incentive package to try to lure Foxconn’s proposed new plant. State Representative Samantha Kerkman took to social media to help her constituents during and in the aftermath of the flood. All this and more in this jam-packed…

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Wheelercast 7/10/2017

You may have taken a few days off last week, but the state budget negotiators did not. Gwyn Guenther brings us up to speed on the latest on the transportation budget gridlock, takes a look at an ongoing dispute between Minnesota and Wisconsin and pays tribute to a former State Senator.  

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Playing Up Unemployment Numbers in Wisconsin

Over the weekend the Wisconsin State Journal’s Matthew DeFour asked for my thoughts on how Wisconsin’s declining unemployment numbers might impact upcoming elections. Republican strategist Brian Fraley said for many voters trying to gauge how the broader economy is doing, the unemployment rate provides an easily understood statistic similar to the Dow Jones industrial average:…

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