Update on the Dump Trump Efforts
The effort to deny Democrat Donald Trump the Republican nomination for president continues. It most certainly remains a long shot, but it is not an impossibility. I spoke with one of the #FreeTheDelegate leaders here in Wisconsin, Dane County’s David Blaska. He’s an alternate delegate from the 2nd Congressional District and has long fought the…

Dump Trump Effort Developments
Looks like I’m not alone in wanting to #FreetheDelegates. On Monday, I penned an open letter to Wisconsin delegates to the RNC convention. I encouraged them to do the right thing and keep Donald Trump from becoming our party’s nominee. Several delegates and alternates have let me know, privately, how much they appreciated my efforts. Some…

Fraley speaks to Sykes about his Open Letter
On Tuesday, Milwaukee talk radio host Charlie Sykes interviewed me regarding my open letter to RNC delegates.

An Open Letter to Wisconsin’s RNC Convention Delegates
Friends, First, let me congratulate you on becoming delegates to the RNC convention in Cleveland next month. It’s an achievement I never attained. I did attend the 2004 New York convention as a guest so I know how exciting this gathering can be in any year. However, this is an extraordinary year and as you…

Voter Enthusiasm Among Wisconsin Republicans Plummets
Republicans better be bracing for a difficult fall campaign here in Wisconsin. Rachelle Baillon of Fox 6 Milwaukee gets my take on the data contained in today’s Marquette University Law School Poll. Watch the full report here.

Trump Killing GOP Prospects in Wisconsin
Donald Trump’s rise has lead to a dive in GOP voter enthusiasm here, which not only takes Wisconsin off the electoral map for Trump in November, but it jeopardizes the re-election of GOP Senator Ron Johnson and gives Democrats increased hope for gains in the state assembly and state senate. My analysis:

More Insight
I was a panelist on Sunday Insight this week. The show was pre-empted by coverage of the Orlando terrorist attack. But you can still catch the show online, here. We talk about the GOP and Donald Trump, Hillary clinching the nomination and Aaron Rodgers giving up dairy.

Week in Review – June 10, 2016
I joined Charlie Sykes and Kevin Binversie for the RightWisconsin Week in Review on AM620 WTMJ in Milwaukee this week.

Speaker Ryan’s Agenda is Trumped
Today in Washington, Speaker Paul Ryan and fellow house Republicans unveiled a plan to attack poverty “at its roots.” Ryan was ready to talk about the House GOP agenda. Instead, he had to talk about….